In the journey of seeking and obtaining a new job, the selection process becomes an important stage that has an impact on the outcome of this search for the candidate. From the other side of the table, candidates conduct interviews and assessments where it is important to bring out the best part of yourself.

  1. It is important that you fill out the application forms as completely as possible, this helps the consultants to be able to have all the necessary information about you and no time is wasted trying to obtain later the data they may be missing. This is essential to increase the chances of success in the selection process. By providing detailed information in each section of the form you allow a more accurate assessment of your skills.
  2. Make yourself available and attentive to arrange interviews with both the recruiters and the final company. Showing that you are interested and attentive gives a better feeling to those who are evaluating your profile and is very important to stand out as a candidate. It not only demonstrates a genuine interest in the position, but also a commitment to the process. In addition, promptness in response streamlines the process, allowing for efficient coordination and reflecting a proactive attitude towards the consultant.
  3. Do not delay or forget to send the documents requested by the consultants, for example, if there is missing information in your current CV and they need you to update it, or the completion of the competency and personality tests. The sooner they have everything they need from you, the sooner they will be able to present your candidacy.
  4. Sincerity and honesty in the interview. There is no point in giving a version of yourself that is not who you really are. I’m sure you have an incredible profile and some very interesting soft skills to bring to the position. Being transparent about your skills, experience and expectations establishes a solid foundation about you and your candidacy and allows the person evaluating you to better connect with you and get to know you better.

Complying with the recruiters’ directions during the screening process is the basis for increasing your chances of advancing in the process for the position you are interested in. This not only makes the recruiters’ job easier, but also highlights your ability to follow procedures, your formality and evidences your interest in the company, skills that are valued in any work environment.