The Spanish labor market is in a gradual recovery phase after the ravages caused by the pandemic. Even so, it can be observed that, in recent months, there has been an improvement in employment figures, with a progressive decrease in the unemployment rate. However, it continues to face significant structural challenges.

Despite improvements in recent years, unemployment remains high in Spain, especially among young people and long-term workers. This raises a number of necessary actions on the part of human resources departments in terms of recruiting and retaining talent.

There are still many jobs in Spain that are temporary or of low quality, which hinders the well-being and involvement of workers in the company. One measure applicable to this situation would be the implementation of policies that promote indefinite-term contracts and the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent ones.

There is currently a certain discrepancy between the skills demanded by the current labor market and those possessed by workers. To improve this situation, it would be interesting to promote continuous training and retraining programs, and invest in the development of digital and technical skills within the company.