People Analytics, also known as HR Analytics, is a discipline within human resources that focuses on analyzing data to make decisions related to talent management and employee performance.

But what does it actually do? Well, it is the process of collecting, analyzing and applying data on the behavior, interactions and characteristics of employees within an organization in order to improve decision making and organizational performance.

On what basis are these results obtained?

The data used in People Analytics can come from a variety of sources, such as human resource management systems (HRIS), performance management platforms, employee surveys, time and attendance records, recruitment and selection data, and productivity data, among others.

In addition, with the increasing adoption of tracking devices and sensors in the workplace, data on employee behavior and interactions can also be collected in real time. Some of the aspects that are measured include:

-Employee retention:

Through the analysis of data on employee turnover, causes of employee departures and factors influencing retention, companies can better understand what drives talent to stay with the company and what drives them to leave the organization. This provides the company with awareness and allows them to be knowledgeable about the situation so that they can implement effective strategies to retain talent.

-Efficiency in recruitment and selection:

By making assessment of data related to the selection process, such as the time and cost of hiring and the performance offered by new hires, organizations can know in which areas improvements are required within their recruitment and selection process.

-Work environment and employee satisfaction:

By means of work climate surveys, organizations manage to evaluate the level of employee satisfaction and commitment, and in this way be able to identify the aspects that cause the most concern within the organization. This makes it easier for companies to take improvement measures, which in turn can have a positive impact on productivity and talent loyalty.

-Turnover patterns:

By analyzing data such as the frequency, reasons and profiles of employees leaving companies, trends in employee turnover can be identified. This allows mobilizing the organization to develop and implement strategies to mitigate it.