The first day of a new job can be exciting and stressful at the same time. You’re at the start of a great career, lots to learn: coworkers, how your new team works, new environments….. And while every workplace is different, there are a number of practices that are universal and can help you prepare.

First of all, it is important to define what you expect from this first day, and that you can be clear that the first thing will be the adaptation. You should not expect to perform all the tasks and understand how the company works perfectly from the very beginning.

It is important that you take some time to understand how the company works, its philosophy, ask any questions you may have, etc.

Dress appropriately: an important point to take into account is the clothing: not for fashion issues or anything like that, but rather to go with the appropriate clothing for the occasion and the place.

And how should I know the right one? Many times it depends on each company, but generally it would be something in between being too comfortable (with a tracksuit) and going formal. Rather a casual code, chinos for pants and a sweater, should suit you for almost all types of companies. Also, if you are not sure, you can consult with your recruiter or interviewer in the selection process, they will be able to advise you for sure.

Be on time or a little early: Always try to be in the office about 15 minutes early. So organize yourself well the day before, make sure you leave with enough time even for unforeseen events and that you have studied the best options to get to the workplace.

Have your presentation speech ready: When you start meeting people, it is easy to be asked similar questions about your experience. You can prepare your presentation speech in advance to summarize in about 20 seconds your most remarkable experience. It is not necessary to memorize everything in detail, but just keep the important things you want to mention.

Ask questions without fear: A first day on the job is characterized, among other things, by the large amount of information you will receive and the numerous doubts that will arise.

You should not be afraid to ask as many questions as necessary. All the information you need, doubts about your role and duties, about the company, the processes or the tools you will use. This translates into visible interest in your new job.

Proactivity: Show you are willing, decisive and capable of taking on responsibilities is important, so that your team appreciates from the first moment that you come in strong and eager to add value to the company. Show your willingness to work, to approach new approaches and perspectives, your enthusiasm to start and the desire to be able to achieve good results.