Attracting and retaining the best candidates has always been a challenge. And now that the talent market is more in demand than ever, it is even more difficult: it is more advantageous, therefore, to have practices aimed at certain groups that have just entered the labor market, such as the well-known generation Z. First of all, it is important to get to know this group of candidates.

First of all, it is important to get to know this group of candidates. What are they like? What are they passionate about? In what environments do they move?

These young people, born between the mid-1990s and the 2010s, are very clear about what they are looking for in a workplace. So if you want to attract and retain this versatile and connected talent, it’s crucial to understand what motivates them and how to meet their needs.

Flexibility at work: Generation Z values their personal development and work flexibility. Offering flexible schedules, the option to work from home is a great attraction for them. This allows them to balance their work and personal life to individual needs.

Development opportunities: These generations value the fact that they can continually grow and learn through their roles. Therefore, it is important that you can provide professional development options, such as training programs, mentoring and challenging assignments.

Inclusive culture: Diversity and inclusiveness are core values for Generation Z. For them, working in an environment where diversity is respected and where everyone is treated with equality and respect is prevalent. An inclusive culture where differences are valued and teamwork is promoted would therefore be a goal.

Innovation and creativity: Some of the aspects that characterize most candidates of this generation are creativity and ingenuity. It is an extra motivation for them to be part of companies that encourage innovation and are open to new ideas and proposals.

Significant benefits: For them, a good salary is not everything; they also value other types of benefits that are not so economic. Some examples are health insurance, combining personal life with work, mental and physical wellness programs….

Transparent communication: When trying to attract this group, transparency in communication is a key point. To do this, you can work on keeping the lines of communication open and being honest about the company’s goals, expectations and the challenges it faces, thus building stronger trust.

Purpose and values: Finally, it is important that the company has a purpose beyond economic profit. Investing in your company’s mission and values and how they contribute to a positive impact on society can be interesting in attracting this generation.