Do you want to apply for a job vacancy and need a more updated resume or customize it for that position? Today we bring you all the information you should consider when you are preparing your CV to apply for a job position.

The resume usually follows the same structure in general, although each person can distribute their information throughout it as they see fit, also depending on the position for which they are applying. However, it should always have at least 3 basic sections. The personal and contact information, the training and finally the professional experience. Apart from these, you can also include certificates of more specific tools, languages, skills, etc…

Regarding the order of the above-mentioned sections, the personal data should be at the beginning, since it is what recruiters will read first and it is what identifies you. Next, you can place the experience and training in this order, and lastly, the skills. In the case of not having much experience because you are a recent graduate, you can choose to place first the training and then the experience.

The experience, you must show the positions in which you have worked in reverse chronological order, that is, from the most recent to the oldest. It is important that you put the name of the company, the position you held and the start and end dates along with a brief list of the tasks performed in the position.

As for the training section, list the educational institutions in reverse chronological order, i.e., starting with the last one completed and leaving the oldest one at the bottom. Enter the start and end dates and the course or type of studies you have completed.

When it comes to design, the visual appeal of your resume is very important. You can put the same information with different templates and look like two totally different CV’s. Therefore, choose a format or a template that makes it easy to separate and read the information you want the recruiter to perceive in a clear and simple way.

The length is also a key point, if you consider that interviewers may read many cv’s a day, it is in your interest to make things easy for them, and that although yours may be the last one they read, they can review it in its entirety without difficulty. More words do not make a cv better. In fact, it is important that you reduce it and personalize it according to the position you are going to apply for, at most, it should be 2 pages long. If you can, include references, they are always a plus of confidence for the company that hires you.

As for the wording, use simple and clear sentences, without getting too involved. Make use of standard but correct language, it is essential that there are no spelling mistakes, so check the document as many times as necessary once it is finished to make sure that everything is in order.